Private Debt

Focus on Growth with Private Debt Fund Outsourcing

Outsourcing your private debt fund back office to Fundamentals enables you to focus on seeking out the next lending opportunity.

Expertise in Capital Markets Transactions

With specialized expertise, we have extensive knowledge in managing capital markets transactions, including direct and syndicated lending transactions, as well as the underlying assets.

Trusted Partner for Private Debt Operations

By partnering with Fundamentals, you can be confident that your private debt fund operations are in capable hands. This allows you to concentrate on driving growth and seizing lucrative lending opportunities.

Private debt fund services

Establishment and launch of vehicle, advising on the most appropriate jurisdiction and liaise with regulators, with whom we maintain close connection and collaboration. We assist loan agencies in performing administrative and back-office duties.

Private debt fund administration

We provide administrative support services to loan agencies, minimizing your back office. Our fund accounting teams provide day-to-day accounting, reports and service support to parties involved in debt fund administration.

Provision of corporate secretarial duties

Our company secretaries maintain statutory registers, books and records of the company, making statutory filings where required. We also provide assistance to the board of an entity by organising AGMs, calling for board meetings, producing board packs, preparing minutes and assisting directors on corporate governance matters.

Loan administration

Our global loan administration teams provide administrative assistance to loan agencies and parties for new loan and bond transactions.
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